The 2023 the Annual Christmas Parade will be on Saturday December 2nd.
- Parade Safety Suggestions (please read over) -- Click Here
- Parade registration forms available during check-in and line up assignments @ 10am.
Parade line up started @ 10am. Parade starts @ 1pm. We would like to encourage everyone to come out and help make this year's parade the best ever. All sizes and shapes of parade entries are welcome!! Entries can be decorated wagons, walking entries, dressed-up pets, tractors, antique cars, formal floats, or whatever strikes your fancy!!
To register an entry in the parade, please fill out an entry form which will be available duing lineup.

We look forward to seeing your parade entry on Saturday December 2nd, 2023! Check-in and line up assignments will begin @ 10am at "Parade Central" located on the corner of Main St. and East Salty St. (There will be a sign to help you find us.) please have parade members in place by 12:50pm so that the parade is not delayed *** Parade starts at 1pm ***. Your cooperation in getting our parade started on time is greatly appreciated.
We would also like to invite you to come early the day of the parade and enjoy the other Christmas activities going on that day downtown Thorndale! If you have any questions please contact Peggy Wise 512-269-8728 Vendors contact Susan Draybeck 512-269-8796.